DNS to direct url with path to another domain


I run a website hosted by Bigcommerce at https://www.example.com.

I also have a WordPress blog at http://blog.example.com.

I would like my blog to be accessible from https://www.example.com/blog. Is this possible to do with a CNAME or some other DNS entry?

Please keep in mind the website uses Bigcommerce nameservers. I don't have access to .htaccess or any server configuration besides DNS entries for A, CNAME, and TXT records.

Also, please note I do not want to redirect the user. I want /blog to load it's content from blog.example.com, but the user's browser should remain at example.com/blog.

Best Answer

This cannot be done with DNS. This must be done with URL rewrites in your HTTP server. If you don't have access to any configuration settings for your web server, you're out of luck.

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