DNSMasq swallows local A-entries


When I query the ISP's DNS server for foo.example.com, it comes back with something like this:

foo.example.com. 159 IN A

(note that the IP address is a local one)

When I do the same over DNSMasq, the response is empty; the A record is missing. It works fine for every other address I've tried.

What is this, a mis-configuration of DNSMasq, a bug, or expected behaviour?

Best Answer

You probably have dnsmasq's rebind protection enabled with this option:

          Reject (and log) addresses from upstream nameservers  which  are
          in  the private IP ranges. This blocks an attack where a browser
          behind a firewall  is  used  to  probe  machines  on  the  local

You can disable this entirely by removing this option, or you can whitelist certain domains using this option:

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