Do HKLM registry keys get removed from group policy when changing organisational unit in Active Directory


My understanding of the way group policy works is that some of the settings in the policy in effect make changes to the HKLM registry hive. They equally make changes in the HKCU part of the registry. So you could have a group policy that is equivalent to importing this registry file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


You can also have different group policies applied at the domain level and at the OU level. So let's assume we have an OU called SpecialComputers which has a group policy that (say) makes the above registry change.

My question is…

Are the registry settings that were applied as part of the OU associated group policy (e.g SpecialComputers) removed when you move the computer to another domain?

Or are they left as they are unless there are the same registry key/group policy settings in the new OU's group policy?

Best Answer

When a group policy is applied the registry changes that are a result of that policy remain. Joining a different domain or moving to a new organization unit will not remove these settings although they could be changed by the new domain's policies.