Do Robocopy copy efficiently large files


in our small sized company we use Vmware. We backup the VM with Veeam.
Resulting files are in order of 200-300 gigabyte per VM, for a total of 1/1.2 terabyte of data.
I use robocopy to copy VM files backuped to external hard drive. I would like to know if Robocopy use something like rsync to copy only changed 'blocks' of data instead the entirely file .

Best Answer

Robocopy doesn't use any method to transmit only changed blocks of datas.

If you have to transmit your files thru a slow network, just use rsync.
If you have to transmit your files thru a "reasonable speed" network, no algorithm can speedup the process, because rsync (for example) have to read the entire file on client and on server to find duplicate contents. So if your network is Gigabit, or if you do a local copy, you just copy the files and voila. You can't get something better, execpted if supported by the filesystem (ala ZFS, but only works on the same partition).