Docker – Access to service in Docker container connected to VPN


I set up a Linux server (VirtualBox VM for now)

In that server I run a Docker container containing two things:

  • An app with web interface on certain port
  • Open VPN Client

I can access that app (from my host machine, since Linux is VM guest) and everything works fine until I connect VPN.

VPN works – traffic goes through it but I can't connect to my app anymore (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT).

So my goal is to:

  • Have a server in Docker container where all the traffic goes through VPN
  • Be able to access that server/container in my local network (as I do now when VPN is not connected)

How can I achieve it?

This is how my .ovpn file looks like

ping 5
dev tun
resolv-retry infinite
ns-cert-type server
verb 3
route-metric 1
proto udp
ping-exit 30
cipher AES-256-CBC

// cetrificate here

remote <remote-host-ip>

Best Answer

Have you tried creating a routing inside the docker?

Try adding these via command line:

ip rule add from X.X.X.X table 128
ip route add table 128 to y.y.y.0/24 dev eth0
ip route add table 128 default via Z.Z.Z.Z

Where: X.X.X.X is the LAN address of the docker

Y.Y.Y.0 is the network address for the LAN of docker e.g

ETH0 is your LAN interface

Z.Z.Z.Z is the Lan gateway i.e Your router IP most likely

Note that these commands don't survive a reboot. So if you would like to keep them, put them in /etc/rc.local with a "sleep 30" command.