Docker – Apache in Docker: How to “access.log”


I'm just getting started with Docker and richt now I'm trying to figure out how to set up my first dockerized Apache 2 / PHP environment. Up to now I have been using full Linux VMs, where I used log-files being written to /var/log/apache2, then use "logrotate" to hop to a new file each day.

Logfiles were mainly used for immediate error detection (i.e. log on to the server and use less to open the current access.log and error.log files) and for fail2ban.

If I'm correct that is not practicable in an Docker environment – mainly because you usually cannot log in to containers to have a look at the logs. Also logs will be lost if the container is removed.

So: What is the most common method to work with/emulate/replace access.log/error.log in that situation? What are common solutions for both production and development environments?

My ideas so far include using a NFS share (slow and may cause filename collisions if not careful), and logstash (not sure if it is worth the effort and practicable for smaller sites or even dev environments?) but I'm sure smart people have come up with better solutions?

Not sure if it makes a difference, but currently I'm basing my Docker image on php:5.6-apache.

Best Answer

You can still use docker exec -it <your container name> /bin/bash command to get into your container and do your regular job. Or maybe you can change /bin/bash into your command or script .sh of your command to execute it.

To get your file out of container use docker cp <container name:/path/to/file> </your local machine/path/>

And for your daily job, you can use cron to cronjob those commands. I highly reccommend you to have alias your frequent docker commands. So that I can use docker happily with a few key.

The docker logs <container name/id> command is for viewing log from execution of the docker image. It shows redirect output to stdout.

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