Docker – Can’t start docker daemon—invalid image


I am unable to start docker daemon. When I try I get a bunch of errors saying

invalid image sha256:{some sha here}, failed to verify image: sha256{some sha here}

and then one line that says

Error starting daemon: layer does not exist

I suspect the images are corrupted or something—there was an issue the last time this server was shut down. I don't mind removing the images, but I can't find any way to do that without getting docker started. I was hoping there was some sort of --skip verify argument, but I can't find anything like that.

How can I get docker started?

OS is CoreOS 1010.5.0.

Best Answer

I found this script on the Docker GitHub page that will safely delete files in /var/lib/docker. Running that wiped out all the corrupted images and I was able to successfully start docker daemon.