Docker – CoreOS cluster installation alternatives (offline)


I'm trying to install a CoreOS cluster on several bare metal servers. I have successfully installed and configured a PXE server which allows me to start CoreOS on RAM on those servers. After some time I realized that I really need to install CoreOS physically so I'm trying options; my main problem is that I don't have internet so I can't use coreos-install as it is because it wgets the images from CoreOS servers, I downloaded all needed images elsewhere but I'm still stuck on how to install them offline. I would like to be recommended on: (in order to install CoreOS physically offline with docker support)

1- Which is the best way to do it?

2- Does the ISO image work for this?

3- Is there any tool which help me to do the job?

4- What options do I have if I can't use a PXE server?

Best Answer

1- Which is the best way to do it?

coreos-install doesn't work with offline images. But if you absolutely want it to work offline on some machine, you can run coreos-install on the machine, that has domain redirected to using /etc/hosts, has nginx running with a config like this to redirect requests to coreos servers to a local file. Nginx must impersonate server. Never tried ;) But it may even work ;)

4- What options do I have if I can't use a PXE server?

I think you can use CloneZilla to install CoreOS offline. Again, I never tried it, so it's just a suggestion.