Docker documentation for external load balancer to docker hosts in swarm mode (why?)


In reading the documentation for Docker Swarm 1.12 there is a section describe how to configure HAProxy to load balance traffic to swarm hosts.

If I understand Docker Swarm > 1.12 there shouldn't be a need to setup a load balancer in this way because Swarm has an internal load balancer and DNS.

Wouldn't a proper approach be to stand up a reverse proxy to the service name (DNS alias) and let the Swarm load balancer do the work?

For example in nginx you could do:

location /somepath/ {
    proxy_read_timeout 900;                
    proxy_pass http://service-name/;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

My assumption is that the service is deployed to a private network overlay and the service that needs to be exposed externally is deployed to the private network and a proxy network where the nginx or haproxy service is also deployed.

docker service create 
 --name recurrence-service \
 --replicas 3 \
 --network my-service \
 --network proxy  \

Best Answer

I think your approach sounds good and I don't think there is any requirement for an external LB. We put an ELB in front of ours but that's more to keep it standard with other services and have a central place where we do SSL.

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