Google App Engine – How to Disable External IP Addresses


I have a question concerning Google app Engine yaml files and Quotas.
For a new client of ours we are setting up a new app in Frankfurt (Europe-west-3) and started using app engine there.

Immediately we noticed that only 8 IP addresses are allowed in Europe-west-3 and an increase in quota is rarely allowed since they have a shortage.

That forced me to move the application temporarily to Belgium (europe-west-1).
Is there any way I can disable assigning external IP addresses to my current instances? or do I need another resource to allow this.

Current yaml file:

runtime: custom
env: flex
service: XXXXXXXXx
threadsafe: true
  min_num_instances: 2
  max_num_instances: 20
    target_utilization: 0.5
  name: default
  instance_tag: XXXXXXXXx
  NODE_ENV: production

While the environment does work and my docker images are being created, I face the limits of this Quota.
Simply disabling it, since I don't use their debugger would help me, yet I have not found any documentation on how to achieve this.

This is the error I get when I am running out of IP addresses (This is step 4 in my cloud builds).

Step #4 - "Deploy": ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: The following quotas were exceeded: IN_USE_ADDRESSES (quota: 8, used: 8 + needed: 2).
Step #4 - "Deploy": WARNING: Deployment of service [frontend] will ignore the skip_files field in the configuration file, because the image has already been built.

Thanks a lot for all the advice in advance 🙂

Best Answer

App Engine external IP is allocated dynamically and it is not possible to configure/disable it during deployment in the app.yaml file.

However, there is open Public Feature Request to add this functionality

This message: "The following quotas were exceeded: IN_USE_ADDRESSES" means, that you have reached IP quota limit defined in your project.

Current quota limit for IP can be found in the Console:

Google Cloud Console > IAM & Admin > Quotas > Metrics > In-use IP addresses

Check the documentation, how to increase the quota if needed.

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