Docker – How to connect to AWS ECR using python docker-py


When running from the command line, to pull from a specific registry I can run these commands:

dockerCommand=$("aws ecr get-login --profile profileName --region us-west-2")
$dockerCommand  (which looks like docker login -u AWS -p ..longPassword.. -e none
docker pull

If I want a different registry, I change the region or profileName

Trying this with docker-py, I have

import boto3
import docker
dockerClient = docker.from_env()

session = boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name='vzw')
client = session.client('ecr', region_name='us-west-2')

token = client.get_authorization_token(registryIds=[registryId])

username = 'AWS'
password = token['authorizationData'][0]['authorizationToken']
registry = token['authorizationData'][0]['proxyEndpoint']
regClient = dockerClient.login(username, password, registry)

but the dockerClient refuses the connection with:

bad username or password

From there, once that is working, I'll want to use a docker client pull/push to move the images between registries.

Is the the right direction or should I be trying to implement this entirely with shell scripts? (Python has been especially valuable for the boto calls to describe what is in each registry)

Best Answer

Login Fail

dockerClient refuses the connection with "bad username or password"

The signature of the function you are calling to login is:

def login(self, username, password=None, email=None, registry=None,
          reauth=False, insecure_registry=False, dockercfg_path=None):

Note the position of the registry parameter. It is fourth in the list. So your call of:

regClient = dockerClient.login(username, password, registry)

Is passing your registry as the email since email is the third parameter. Suggest you change to something like:

regClient = dockerClient.login(username, password, registry=registry)

Python or shell?

Is the the right direction or should I be trying to implement this entirely with shell scripts? (Python has been especially valuable for the boto calls to describe what is in each registry)

Go with the Python.

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