Docker – How to make docker-compose pull images using a socks5 proxy


I'm trying to pull images through a socks5 proxy. I've started the socks5 proxy on port 8888 like this:

ssh -NC -D 8888 parham@***.***.**

However, when I run docker-compose like this, it is evident that it's not using the environment variable:

$ ALL_PROXY=socks5:// docker-compose up

How can I make Docker pull images through this proxy?

Best Answer

Looks like this feature has been recently added to docker, particularly in version 1.11.0. Though there isn't enough documentation about its usage, setting the ALL_PROXY environment variable should work, according to this comment.

$ export ALL_PROXY=socks5://localhost:port 
$ docker pull image

I'm not sure about docker-compose at the moment. If your primary aim is to speed up the download process using socks5, you might be able to achieve the purpose by manually pulling images using docker pull before finally running docker-compose up.

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