Docker – How to set different destination (‘region’) of an aws cloudwatch logging agent inside a docker image


Here is my dockerfile.


COPY /* /

RUN python --non-interactive -c /aws-log.myservice.cfg --region us-west-2

CMD ["/"]

I use the dockerfile to build images that will be used in both dev and production environment. The behaviour is determined by an env variable. i.e. I will do something like this to start a docker container: docker run -e ENV=dev -ti myservice

One issue with this dockerfile is that: the logs in both dev and prod are sent to the same cloudwatch log in the region us-west-2.

Is there anything I can do to change the region for dev environment to a different value when a docker container is started? Preferably it should be controlled by the same environment variable.

Best Answer

I add and call the following script in the main CMD script

if [ "$ENV"  != "prod" ]; then
    sed -i -e 's/region = us-west-2/region = ap-southeast-1/g' $AWSLOG_CONF
    echo 'Set the awslog region to ap-southeast-1'

The script must be called before the aws log service is started.