Docker – Install Docker on Windows Server 2016 virtual machine


I own a mac and I need to test a Windows Server 2016 environment with Docker on it. So I run Windows Server on a virtual machine.

I can successfully install Docker ToolBox on the virtual machine, but when I run the Docker Quickstart Terminal it says:

"This computer doesn't have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in the BIOS is mandatory."

From what I have read here and there this could be related to nested virtualisation not being enabled, but I'm not sure. And if this is the cause how do I enable it ?

I've tried both with VirtualBox and Parallels Desktop, but I have the same error for both. Also the production system will probably run on some other (cloud) virtualisation technology, so I need to really understand the requirements.

Best Answer

You need to enable the features on the in the VM settings in your virtualization software. For Parallels, it looks like this would cover it.

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