Docker – Postgres in a docker container not working – constantly restarting


I've recently moved copied my postgres data from one hard drive to another.

My docker run command is

    docker run --name postgres --restart=always -e 
 POSTGRES_USER= -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD= -e POSTGRES_DB=elevate_recruit -v /media/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d -p 543
2:5432 postgres:9.5

Where the media drive is a drive that contains the postgres backup.
When I run ls -l media/postgres I get

drwxrw-rw-  6 sbt springcoil 4096 Jun 20 10:25 base
drwxrw-rw- 19 sbt springcoil 4096 Jun 21 13:27 data
-rw-rw-rw-  1 sbt springcoil    4 Apr 27 13:38 PG_VERSION

When I run the docker container and do docker logs container_id I get

postgres cannot access the server configuration file "/var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory

Edit – the data/postgres.conf file exists.

Am I missing something should I be changing the docker permissions? Should I be changing something? I'm a bit stumped and frustrated by this error.

Best Answer

I've found the solution to this problem.

Firstly make sure to do sudo usermod -aG docker your_user and then log back in. Also make sure you've got chmod 777 and chmod -R your_user:your_user on your folders.

Finally there is actually an error in my docker run command. It should be -v /media/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql instead of -v /media/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data thanks to whoever on a Slack channel (Dave Challis I think) pointed this out.

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