Does apaches keep alive time-out reset every time a request is received


The title of this question is pretty self explanatory, but:

Does apaches keep alive timeout reset (as in, start again) every time a request is received?

So for example, assume we have a 60 second keep alive timeout:

Second 0 – First request recieved, keep alive starts – Timeout currently 60 seconds

Second 10 – Next request recieved, keep alive reset – Timeout currently 60 seconds


Second 0 – First request recieved, keep alive starts – Timeout currently 60 seconds

Second 10 – Next request recieved, keep alive does not reset – Timeout currently 50 seconds


Best Answer

Although this is unclear from the documentation, the timeout resets every time a response has been sent to the browser.

To be more exact, from the responses in this bug report we can see that the timeout actually (re)starts as soon as Apache has delivered its response to the underlying OS, although that distinction isn't important in most practical circumstances.