Does cloud storage replicate the data over many datacenters if so it means i benefit content delivery network

amazon s3cdncloud computingreplicationstorage

Let's assume that i want to use cloud storage service from one of the cloud storage provider, i got X gb structured and unstructured data and i will use this data as my contents of my interactive web page.

And now i have some doubts about this point.I have many users and they are all visiting my web page from various countries.To be more specific first;

does my data stored only of the Cloud Storage data center ? or Does my data replicated over many data centers of my provider?

second if so; how can i benefit from content delivery network?
(matching and placing users’ content nearest storage data centers)

Best Answer

  • First question - it depends on what plan you're buying from your provider. Read up on what the offerings are.
  • Second question - it depends on what plan you're buying from your provider. This will probably be more costly than the first feature.

Edit - I'll give you a concrete example. Amazon S3 says that your data will be replicated, I assume that means automatic failover if they lose an active site. (Although I would read the details of my SLA if I were buying from them.) They also say that you have to pick your region. So, for Amazon S3, the answers are (1) Yes and (2) No.

But that's just for Amazon S3. Google may have different answers. Azure may have different answers. Rackspace may have different answers. Any of them may have multiple answers based on your checking account. There is no single answer for the broad category of "cloud storage.*

Further edit - Amazon has a beta service called CloudFront, that offers a "Yes" to your second question.

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