Does FIN-WAIT-1 Indicate a Security Breach?


I'm very new to server security and this is my first post here.
Recently, my server has been experiencing many SSH login attempts from unknown sources.

A couple of minutes ago I logged in to the server and decided to checkout tcp sockets by issuing ss -t command and discovered a socket in FIN-WAIT-1 state.
I'm not sure what to think about it. Has someone successfully connected?

State                Recv-Q            Send-Q                        Local Address:Port                         Peer Address:Port            
FIN-WAIT-1           0                 69                                

Also last command gives me these entries, but I did not login as root today.

root     ttyS0                         Tue Nov  2 17:10   still logged in
reboot   system boot  4.15.0-161-gener Tue Nov  2 17:10   still running

Should I be worried?

Best Answer

Has someone successfully connected?

Yes, but this doesn't actually mean anything; it only says a TCP connection was established and then closed. There is no relationship with what the remote user was or was not able to do.

Case in point: you connect to a remote host using SSH, then you provide wrong credentials; the server will close the connection. A connection closed by the server will go (for a while) in a FIN-WAIT-1 state. But nobody actually logged it, it was simply a failed login attempt.

my server has been experiencing many SSH login attempts from unknown sources.

If you catch one of those attempts immediately after it failed, a socket in the FIN-WAIT-1 state is exactly what you would see at the network level.

Having said all of the above, you should put some kind of firewall in front of your server (or at the very least configure the system firewall to only allow logins from known, trusted sources); if you leave any computer exposed to the public Internet on common remote administration ports (SSH, RDP, etc.), you are just asking for troubles.