Does Office 2010 Professional Plus include the CAL for Office Communications Server


I know office 2010 pro plus includes office communicator, but is that the CAL for accessing the server? I am trying to figure out if i just need to buy the Communications server software or if i need the server software and the CALs.

Best Answer

Having just had to deal with exactly this issue, here is my understanding: (DISCLAIMER: Always verify with your vendor!!)
There are 3 licenses for Communicator and OCS:

  • License #1 is for the Communicator client. This is included with Office Professional Plus.
  • License #2 is for OCS Standard connectivity, this gives you basic Communicator functionality. IM, Video, etc...
  • License #3 is for OCS Enterprise, and this is additive - you need this in ADDITION to a Standard license. This gives you more of the Unified Messaging capabilities.

There's more detailed information on the MS OCS site that will tell you what the Standard and Enterprise CAL's for OCS give you, but to answer your basic question, NO. The License you get with Office ProPlus is only for the Communicator software itself, NOT for accessing the OCS server.