Does PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error always indicate bad RAM


I'm receiving a PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSOD after a few minutes of using my Dell D600 laptop (running Windows XP). Based on my searches, it seems this is typically related to bad RAM. I haven't had other problems, and nothing has changed on this computer. Could it be that one of the RAM chips has come unseated, or is it just corrupted and I should get a new one?

Best Answer

I can't speak for that error, but there's one way to easily rule it out - run a memory testing application.

Memtest+ does the trick nicely. Download and burn the ISO, boot off it and let it run for 24-48 hours - if it picks up errors, you definitely need new memory. If not, then you can continue troubleshooting with some reasonable evidence that your memory is fine behind you.

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