Does SQL Server 2005 Express default to TCP port 1433


I am looking in SQL Server Configuration Manager, 'Protocols for SQLEXPRESS'

And IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4, and IPALL have the TCP Port blank.

Should that be 1433 or it will default to that?

Best Answer

If you want to use a specific port like 1433, you have to set it manually.

The default instance will use port 1433 by default, if TCP is enabled and the settings are left unchanged. A named instance will use a dynamic port by default. So the question really boils down to whether the Express instance is named or default (assuming the port number in the OP is a typo).


If the Configuration Manager says 'Protocols for SQLEXPRESS' it means the Express instance is a named one so it will use dynamic ports by default. You have to change the settings to use port 1433. .

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