Does syslog-ng config file support log rotating files every 15 mins


I using syslog-ng config file destination configuration to create hourly log files. The config I'm using for this is as follows:

destination d_hourly {file("/var/log/tracker/pid$PID-track-$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY-$HOUR.log");};

I now have a requirement to create files every 15 mins or 30 mins. I looked through the config file macros and there is no such macro (which is on expected lines). Is there a way to write a custom function in syslog-ng config which returns a value based on the current time and which can be suffixed in the destination direction for syslog-ng.

Or is there some other way to achieve this?

Best Answer

You can divide the minute value by a number inline, which will generate separated files. For example:

destination d_half_hourly {file("/var/log/tracker/pid$PID-track-$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY-$HOUR-$(/ $MIN 30).log");};

Because of integer division, this will put all logs from PID 1000 and date 1/23/2015 05:00 to 05:29 into


and from 05:30 to 05:59 into


You can also increase the frequency by changing 30 to another divisor.

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