Does Windows 7 VPN work with a Cisco ASA 5510

cisco-asacisco-vpnvpnwindows 7

We have a Cisco ASA 5510 router and are trying to get a couple users setup for VPN access. They are running Windows 7 x64 at home and cannot install the VPN client we have for our router (it only works on 32bit windows).

I know there is Cisco AnyConnect, but I am curious if the built in VPN in Windows 7 can work with a Cisco ASA 5510. If so, can anyone point me to a nice walkthrough on what settings I need to set in the Windows 7 VPN in order for it to work.


Best Answer

Windows 7 native VPN will not work with Cisco IPSec VPNs.

Cisco does have 64bit support for it's older IPSec VPNs: