Domain – Change DomainSID on Samba 4 PDC


I've had trouble changing the Domain SID of my SAMBA 4 Domain Controller to an old one.
Let's say S-1-5-21-3307158569-4287292154-27117666 is the SID I want to set.
I use the following command:

net setdomainsid S-1-5-21-3307158569-4287292154-27117666

However this does not change. I have tried stopping all services and changing the SID but still no change unfortunately.
I still getting the old SID:

root@dc1:/var/lib/samba# net getdomainsid
SID for domain COMPANY is: S-1-5-21-3307158569-4287292154-27117854

I've also tried moving the secrets.tbd file but this did not resolve the issue either.

Could you help me out changing the domainSID to the one I want.

Kind regards

Best Answer


  • Stop Samba
  • Backup and delete secrets.tdb
  • Instead of net setdomainsid use net setlocalsid.
  • Check result with net getdomainsid
  • Start Samba