Domain – Getting “403 – Forbidden: Access is denied” when hitting the URL without “www” prefix


I'm facing problem in my domain area. when i hit for example then I'm not able to access the site which are hosted on my domain. It gives the below error

403 – Forbidden: Access is denied.

You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

But when I hit then I'm able to access the sites under my domain. so please let me know where I'm doing mistake in my configuration.

note: I'm using ISA server as a proxy server for my domain.

Any help will be appreciated.


Best Answer

  1. try and ping both the domain.. i.e without www and with www. See if they resolves to same IP address.

  2. Check your web server configuration files.

  3. observe the output of curl -I with www and wihtout www