Active Directory – Fix ‘The Target Account Name is Incorrect’ Error When Accessing a Share


I have a small network at home consisting of a Primary Domain Controller running Win 2008 R2, a desktop running Win 7 (x64), and a laptop running Win 7 (32-bit).

I'm not sure when this started or what changed, but from the laptop I can no longer access shares running on the desktop, either navigating in explorer, or by using a NET USE command. When navigating from explorer, it sees all three machines, but when I double-click on the desktop to expand it, it says:

"DWH-X64 is not accessible. You might not have permission…
Login failure: The target account name is incorrect."

Similarly, if I try to run a NET USE command it comes back:

"System Error 1396 has occurred. Logon failure: the target account name is incorrect."

If I try either of these procedures referencing the domain controller instead of the desktop, they complete successfully. I can also access the laptop shares from the desktop.

I have Bing'd this error, and tried (repeatedly) removing the laptop from the domain and re-adding it (including going to the ActiveDirectory and deleting the machine account), and still get the same results. The other solutions that I've found on Bing seem not to apply, as they are talking about multiple domain controllers and replication.

Note also that I can login using this (supposedly incorrect) account name on all three machines.

I don't know what else to try. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

The 'target account name' refers to the name of the computer you are connecting to.

Basically, you are attempting to call the server by a name which it does not recognise.

Things to check:

  • Can you connect to the server by IP address?
  • Is your computer resolving the name of the server to the correct IP?
  • And -- something else I've seen cause this issue (albeit with a Win2003 DC) -- check that the "TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper" service is running on the server.