Domain – How to allow a limited user to change the system time in Windows 7 without disabling UAC

domaintimeuacuser-accountswindows 7

I need to allow a couple specific users rights to change their local system time in Windows 7 x64. I have already assigned them the right through group policy using the "Change the system time" user right assignment but UAC is preventing them from actually changing the time. We have a similar setup for changing IP settings which allows users to authenticate UAC with their own credentials but this isn't working for time settings. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Best Answer

Maybe there is a way via a powershell script? Now that you have allowed the policy, running from a command line might bypass the UAC?

PS C:\>Set-Date -Date (Get-Date).AddDays(2)
PS C:\>set-date -adjust -0:30:0
PS C:\>$halfhr = new-timespan -minutes 30
PS C:\>set-date -adjust $halfhr