Domain – If I change only “A” record in DNS records will it affect to the other records(MX, TXT, etc.)


I want to change the "A" record in my GoDaddy account to point BlueHost IP address. I have emails in my GoDaddy account, and I don't want to loose them, only need to point the GoDaddy domain to BlueHost hosting. Will this affect to the Emails in my GoDaddy account? I need the Emails work as before, and I can't loose any Email(inbox etc.).
My MX records points to google mail.

Best Answer

An MX always points (RFC 1035, 3.3.9) to a hostname rather than an IP address. Then, according to RFC 2181, 10.3, that hostname should have an A record instead of CNAME. So

  • if MX points to self, which is also the fallback if there is no MX defined, changing A affects.
  • if MX points to anywhere else, which is the whole point why MX records were invented in the first place, then changing the A record doesn't affect.

Also, TXT and other additional RRs aren´t affected by changing A. But if you'd also like to add CNAME to the domain root, then everything gets ruined (RFC 1034, 3.6.2). Forget I even mentioned it.