Domain joined PC not appearing in AD or SBS Console


So one of our clients users renamed their machine while it was domain joined. I thought maybe AD was intelligent enough to update (I'm fairly new to AD, an apprentice in fact!) but all that's happened is the following:

The old computer name no longer exists in AD.
The new computer has joined the domain and can login to domain accounts, access resources etc. and has updated in DNS so I can ping it via it's new PC name.

But it is no where to be seen in Active Directory, or the SBS Control Panel (SBS 2011) which is posing a problem since I need to configure Remote Work Webplace for a use to have access to their machine which is done through the SBS console, but I can't point it to the new renamed computer!

Any ideas?


Best Answer

If they truly were domain-joined and were simply renamed, that's been updated in AD. You're probably just looking at a stale view. Try refreshing your view or opening/closing whatever app you're using to view AD. (There may also be a replication delay if you have multiple Domain Controllers.)

Incidentally, the best idea you're going to hear is to not let everyone have Domain Admin rights (or delegated rights to rename their machines/modify other AD objects). That's just begging for a catastrophe.