Domain – Managing cached windows 10 domain credentials for remote users

active-directorydomainvpnwindows 10

I support a network with several remote locations where the users can only connect in via VPN (Windows 10 built-in SSTP). Is there any way to manage / update what domain user credentials are cached on these machines, without having to haul them into the office? Assume I have access to local and domain admin credentials on the remote computers, but need to add a new remote domain user to it. Is there any way to do this over a remote VPN connection? As a side note, the VPN does not authenticate with domain credentials; it has its own separate login.

I know that on prior versions of windows, you could connect the VPN at the windows login screen, but that no longer seems to be the case with Windows 10 so that doesn't help here.

Best Answer

With the VPN connected in the session you have. You can shift right click on an exe or shortcut, notepad for example, and run as another user, then the credential will be cache to local, then you can switch to that user.