Domain – Missing local account after joining a domain


I attempted to add my computer to a domain and now I cannot access any of the local accounts on my computer.

I had downloaded Windows Server 2012 and had two local accounts on it. Then, I attempted to access it using my friend's login information (that were linked to a Windows domain). I was prompted to restart my computer, and upon doing so, the icon for my local accounts were gone. Where before there were two local profiles I could access, now there was only an option to access an account linked to the domain. I tried using my local account login information, and it didn't work. I can log in using the administrative account of the domain. Also, if I try using my friend's account on my computer, it lets me log in.

The files from my local accounts are still on my computer. When logged in as the administrator, I can go to Users and from there access all of the files from the missing profiles. Is there any way for me to get my local accounts back?

Best Answer

You might want to try logging like this:

Username: \mymachinename\mylocalusername Password mylocaluserpassword