Domain – Postfix won’t accept submitted email for other users on virtual domain


My employer has given me an email address, My employer's outgoing mail server only allows connections from inside their network (rather like an ISP who insists you connect through them to use their smtp server). So when I pop out to the cafe for lunch and an email from my boss arrives on my phone, I can't respond to it until I get back to the office. Also, I can't respond to work emails when I'm travelling or working in the field.

I'm not allowed to reconfigure the main mail server, but I have a small separate Postfix server which I can control. I have a number of virtual domains set up on there, and I added as an additional virtual domain, and as a virtual user. This works, and I can send outgoing mail through this server to anywhere in the world, EXCEPT to other users on (which is all I really want).

When I try to send to I get

NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from… 550 5.1.1 … Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table

The Postfix server thinks it controls all of, and if I don't set up a virtual user for the recipient on this domain, then it doesn't allow it. I can make the error go away by setting a catchall alias in the virtual file

but of course all the email I send then comes straight back to me!

I tried setting the transport file to relay all mail for through, say, gmail like this:  : smtp:[]:587

but it makes no difference. (The relaying works as expected for recipient addresses on other (external) domains, but for this virtual domain, Postfix doesn't allow you to get as far as this – the 5.1.1 error comes first.)

Is it possible to configure Postfix to send mail destined for a locally-defined virtual domain out into the big wide internet and let DNS sort it out?

Best Answer

If you set up your secondary machine as a backup server, you'll need a few settings.


You will also be using your transport_maps like this: relay:[the.actual.server]

Then you would (as Falcon says) need the relay_recipient_maps with either a wildcard entry, or an entry for you, and your boss.

Then I'd set up TLS encrypted SASL authorizaion, and allow only users who authenticate to send.

smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, reject


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