DNS Records – Do SRV Records Need CNAME or A Records for Subdomains?


I have a service running on port xxxxx. I want to access that service through a subdomain (myspecialservice.mydomain.com). I know I need to create an SRV record that looks like _Service._Proto.myspecialservice TTL Class SRV Priority Weight xxxxx Target.

My question is, do I also need to add a CNAME or A/AAAA record for this subdomain? Or is the SRV record sufficient?

To be clear, my question is not about the target address.

Best Answer

Yes, you still need an A or CBAME (or Alias pseudo record).

The typical IP stack wont resolve an IP address from an SRV record (much like you still need ab A or CNAME when specifying an SMTP server for mail despite the existence of an MX record)