Domain – Unable to run gpupdate after changing domains


I recently moved a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine from one domain to another. Everything appears fine on the surface. It attached to the new domain and I can remote to and log into it using an account on the new domain. There are forward and reverse lookup entries in DNS for this machine and nslookup resolves it correctly for both hostname and IP address. I can also ping the machine from other machines in the domain, such as the DC, and I can ping the DC from the machine.

However, when I try to run "gpupdate /force" on this machine to update it with the new group policy it fails with the message:

The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not determine if the user and computer accounts are in the same forest. Ensure the user domain name matches the name of a trusted domain that resides in the same forest as teh computer account.

It also throws event ID 1110 with the error code 1311 in the event log. My research turned up tow main solutions. 1. ensure netlogon service is running, it is and I've restarted it several times without issue but it doesn't resolve the error. 2. disjoin and rejoin the domain, which I have also done several times to no avail.

I'm at a loss for what to do next since there doesn't seem to be any issues besides this group policy one on this machine. I've also moved several other machines to the new domain and none of those have issues. I've also disabled the firewall and antivirus to rule out port or protocol blocking.

Best Answer

Thanks to anyone who assisted, we decided it was quicker and simpler to rebuild this particular server than to continue to troubleshoot it though.