Domain – What does mean domain in SID: S-1-5-21domain-500


I found following page with documentation: Now there is a mysterious domain string in SID. I understand that when I want to use this sid with this mysterious string I should replace it with a correct domain SID. The question is where can I find this domain SID that I can put into the SID for system administrator (for example) in order to be able to check some rights later.

SID example: S-1-5-21domain-500.

This domain identifier probably should be in xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx format.

Best Answer

You're still not being very clear. What tool are you using? What option are you trying to change and where is it? The S-1-5-21domain-500 opiton you linked is the domain Administrator account. The Domain is the SID identifier of your domain.

Based on what I think you're asking, I think this is what you're looking for.

Start > Run > adsiedit.msc and go to Default naming context > OU > CN=Users. Find your CN=Administrator account, right click and go to properties. Find the objectSid. You can see that it matches what the description says.

That will give you the SID. Now why you would need that, I'm not sure, but I really hope you don't change anything in ADSI.