Domain – workstation on domain won’t accept any domain credentials for access

active-directorydomainwindows 7windows-server-2003

Someone added a windows 7 workstation to this windows 2003 domain. They can login locally and say they are on the domain, and have mapped drive resources.

Trying to connect with psexec or anything else I have tried will not accept either the username/password combination or any domain administrator/password combination.

The workstation does not show in the AD but is listed in dns in the reverse lookup zone but not forward lookup zone and pinging resolves to the correct ip. DHCP shows a lease for a couple more weeks.

I have no idea what was done (because no one admits anything) it is a small network 25 machines.

Netdom won't work because I can't provide an accepted user/password combination. No one there has a clue enough to even walk them through anything. So I have to try remotely resolving this.

Any idea what to try next? Or what else I might try. I am a volunteer IT guy on this.

Best Answer

Right click my computer and click properties. At the bottom it should say what domain it is connected to.

If it doesn't show up in AD users and computers then it isn't really on the domain. Remove it and add it again.

Mapped network drives doesn't mean they are on the domain. It may just have domain credentials saved for the drive.