Don’t automatically include all subdomains in DNSMasq address


It is possible to configure DNSMasq such that it returns a fixed IP address only for a request for that exact domain, and not for its subdomains? That is, I want it to return a fixed IP when resolving, but not,, etc.

Best Answer,

The dnsmasq man page says:

Add A, AAAA and PTR records to the DNS. This adds one or more names to the DNS with associated IPv4 (A) and IPv6 (AAAA) records. A name may appear in more than one host-record and therefore be assigned more than one address. Only the first address creates a PTR record linking the address to the name. This is the same rule as is used reading hosts-files. host-record options are considered to be read before host-files, so a name appearing there inhibits PTR-record creation if it appears in hosts-file also. Unlike hosts-files, names are not expanded, even when expand-hosts is in effect. Short and long names may appear in the same host-record, eg. --host-record=laptop,,,1234::100

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