Dovecot login with username and no extension


I have dovecot setup and working, but i can only login as a linux user without the extension. e.g
joe.bloggs is a user on the linux system. i can login using this as the imap username and the user password

username = joe.bloggs – Allows me to login to roundcube tosend and receive emails.

The problem is i want to be able to set this up to work on my phone and it wont let me enter the imap details without

username = – Does not work with roundcube or with the android mail app.

How can i configure the imap system to allow me to login as Will i have to create a linux user called

Best Answer

I think you can use auth-passwdfile.conf.ext with users file.

passdb {
  driver = passwd-file
  args = scheme=CRYPT username_format=%u /my/file/path/dovecot.users


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