Dovecot, POP3 and Gmail


I setup Postfix and Dovecot on a new Ubuntu box following these directions.

From a client machine, I validate that POP3 seems to be working

telnet 110
+OK Dovecot ready.
PASS mypassword
+OK Logged in.
+OK Logging out.

However, when trying to configure Gmail on the same client to retrieve email via POP3, I get the error

Server denied POP3 access for the given username and password.
Server returned error: "Login failed."

I carefully confirmed that Gmail is configured to use the same POP Server, Port, Username and Password I used when checking the connection with telnet.

What could be causing Gmail to get a "Login failed" message?

Best Answer

It turns out that, while DNS changes to point to the new server had propagated to my local box when I did the testing, they had probably not yet propagated to Google.

Retrying the procedure the following day worked just fine.