DRBD Status after Network fail become Primary/Unknown


i have the following structure:

  • 2 nodes.
  • corosync + pacemaker + DRBD + OCFS2.


After test Network fail the status from DRBD become:


dmesg show the following:

Split-Brain detected but unresolved, dropping connection.

i can get the status from DRBD to Primary/primary back manually by commands but i want that automatically.

My configuration is:

resource r0 {
    protocol C;
    startup {
       become-primary-on both;
    disk {
            on-io-error     detach;
            fencing         resource-only;
            resync-rate     1000M;
    handlers {
            split-brain             "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-split-brain.sh root";
            fence-peer              "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-fence-peer.sh";
            after-resync-target     "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-unfence-peer.sh";
    net {
            allow-two-primaries yes;
            cram-hmac-alg sha1;
            shared-secret "DRBD Super Secret Password";
            timeout 180;
            ping-int 3;
            ping-timeout 9;
            after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
            after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
            after-sb-2pri disconnect;
    on node01 {
            device /dev/drbd0;
            meta-disk internal;
            disk /dev/mapper/SSDVolume-VMData;
    on node02 {
            device /dev/drbd0;
            meta-disk internal;
            disk /dev/mapper/SSDVolume-VMData;


My crm configure show is:

primitive drbd_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd \
    params drbd_resource=r0 \
    op monitor interval=20 role=Master timeout=30 \
    op monitor interval=30 role=Slave timeout=40
primitive filesys Filesystem \
    params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/vmstore" fstype=ocfs2 
options="rw,noatime" \
    op start interval=0 timeout=60 \
    op stop interval=0 timeout=60
primitive virtual_ip IPaddr2 \
    params ip= cidr_netmask=32 \
    op monitor interval=10s \
    meta migration-threshold=10
ms ms_drbd_r0 drbd_r0 \
    meta master-max=2 master-node-max=1 notify=true
clone filesys_clone filesys \
    meta interleave=true
colocation col_filesys_clone-on-drbd_master inf: filesys_clone 
order filesys_clone-after-drbd_master inf: ms_drbd_r0:promote 
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
    have-watchdog=false \
    dc-version=1.1.14-70404b0 \
    cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
    cluster-name=debian \
    stonith-enabled=false \
rsc_defaults rsc-options: \

My question is:

What should i do to get the status from DRBD Primary/primary again automatically?

Thanks in Advanced

Best Answer

When running DRBD in dual-primary any interruption to the replication network will result in a split-brain. You'll need to resolve this manually by following the steps in the user-guide here: https://docs.linbit.com/doc/users-guide-84/s-resolve-split-brain/

More importantly, you're running DRBD in dual-primary without STONITH and fencing. This is dangerous and will eventually fail you. You will either lose data or corrupt your data. Using DRBD like this is not advised, or supported.

Good luck!

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