Drive map recreation via GPO during background refresh


We have a drive map GPO that applies to our users container, so that drive maps are created on any machine the user logs into.

What we have found, is that if the maps are deleted, and a gpupdate /force is run, the maps do not reappear. In fact, they won't reappear until the user logs off and back onto the machine.

Is this expected behaviour, or should the drive map be recreated during a GP update? Our concern is that someone inadvertently disconnects their primary drive map, then after our refresh period it does not reappear automatically, meaning they call us and we have no option but to get them to log out and back in.

Best Answer

In my experience, drive maps through Group Policy are always done during user logon. If you have the Highly Detailed Status Messages showing during startup/login, you'll see the step during user login for mapping network drives.

In theory, you could do a scheduled task that runs a script every X amount of minutes to map the network drives, but that may be a bigger headache to manage than telling the user to log off and back on- it all depends on the situation.

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