Drupal admin section – Page not found


After upgrading to Drupal 6.12 I can no longer access the admin section on my site – I get a page not found error.
Things I've been able to test/check:

  • I have clean URLs enabled but trying to bypass them doesn't work either, and urls in the rest of the site are fine. So I doubt it's that.
  • The menu_router table is also looks fine.
  • I've confirmed the .htaccess is setup correct and so is Mod_Rewrite.
  • The rest of the site works fine
  • I have set the base url in the settings.php with no effect
  • I had rootcandy for the theme for the admin section and have removed that to be sure.

Any ideas for other things to try?

Best Answer

I managed to resolve it by disabling the update module in the system database using a SQL command similar to this:

UPDATE system SET status=0 WHERE name="update";
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