Dual Monitors on Terminal Server 2003


We used to have an XPe thin client connected to a 2003 terminal server with dual monitors.

The monitors worked just like they do in windows XP.

I was wondering if anyone knew what the line was to add to the RDP file to achieve this.

So far all I have been able to find is span monitor:i:1 and that doesn't achieve the goal.


Best Answer

I am not sure what it was that you were seeing with your SPe device or if there was some server side software that helped emulate window maximizing and limiting the size of the start menu to one screen but the only way I know of to utilize two monitors when connecting to Terminal Server 2003 would be to use the /span switch to the mstsc.exe client.

The shortcut I use is the following:

%windir%\system32\mstsc.exe /v:d-chris /f /span
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