Dual monitors with dual Graphics Cards


Setting up a development machine, I was wondering about the way I should connect the displays. The machine has two monitors and also has two graphics cards (2x GeForce 9800 GTX+) both having 2 DVI ports. What I have been wondering is if it better to connect both monitors to a single card or one monitor to each card? Is one configuration definitively better then the other, and if not what would be the benefits & detractors of each?

Best Answer

You don't say which OS or whether the two cards are in the same type of slot.

On Windows, a large virtual desktop spanning multiple monitors can be set up no matter which way you connect them in your circumstances. I don't have any multimon experience on Linux and I've forgotten what i knew about OS X.

Regardless of the OS, I would think that some operations that span the two monitors would have better performance if they stay on one card and don't involve the bus or the OS. So I would recommend that you use one card until you get more monitors.

However, performance depends on the particular combination of factors in a specific configuration. The OS, drivers, slot type(s), bus speed etc. all interact. The only way to tell for sure without doing a well-designed benchmark. I would find something that does a lot of OpenGL and displays the frame rate. Run it so that it spans the two monitors (if it will let you) and try it in each potential configuration.