Dynamic IP for E-Mail Server


I have two domains that both need to use one server that has a dynamic ip address for email.

domain.com: Static IP, A record pointing to the static IP, needs to host e-mail for @domain.com but use domain.biz as mail server.

domain.biz: Dynamic IP, using DYNDNS to update IP address, hosts e-mail for @domain.biz

The way I have it working now, is not supposed to be allowed (Because of an MX record pointing to a CNAME):

for domain.com:
I have a CNAME for mail.domain.com –> domain.biz
I have a MX record with priority 0 –> mail.domain.com

for domain.biz
I have an mx record with priority 10 –> domain.biz

Should I fix this by having the MX record for domain.com point to domain.biz?

Best Answer

You really don't want a mail server on dynamic IPs, you can't set a PTR(look like spam), its listed as a dynamic IP(big spam flag) and you'll lose emails while DNS is updating. I highly advise you get a static IP or get email service Google apps(which you can get free) is quite nice.

To answer your question just set up 2 A records and point each to something like mail.domain.com & .biz.