EBS vs SSD definition


I am confused about the EBS and SSD choice while creating an instance .

while choosing instance parameters (Step 2) you will see 2 options in the column Instance Storage (GB) : EBS only or SSD .

I dont know why this option is there because SSD and EBS are diffrent things and why would i choose one and not the other .

The definition of instance storage (GB) below is in contradiction with above as all is persistant . (you see this definition if you hover the column name)

The local instance store volumes that are available to the instance. The data in an instance store is not permanent – it persists only during the lifetime of the instance.

Why in Step 4 again i will need to choose between SSD or magnetic ?

Any clarification would help .

Best Answer

SSD are faster because there's no network latency, but it is ephemeral and you can't detach it from an instance and attach it to another. As you can see, it is available to more powerful instances.

EBS are more flexible, since you can attach and detach it from instances, but is a little bit slower, as more suitable for general purpose.

Now, in Step 4, you should choose if you want a SSD or a magnetic-like storage. You can roughly compare it as if you were choosing between a SATA drive or a SSD. Again, SSDs are obviously quicker. There are pricing differences, so you should read a little bit about it from the AWS documentation and use the pricing calculator to learn the technical differences.

But, as far as I know, AWS is slowing stopping the use of magnetic storage.

Hope this shines some light on the question.


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