Amazon EC2 – Fix Route 53 Domain Name Issues

amazon ec2amazon-route53

I have an EC2 instance running with following details
– t2.micro
– virtualization type = hvm
– Elastic IP assigned = 54-152-108-137
– Public DNS assigned =
– Security group created with following rules/ports enabled
22 tcp ✔
80 tcp ✔
All All ✔
53 udp ✔
443 tcp ✔

I access the url with public DNS It works fine.

I access the url with public IP. It works fine.

But, I want to access through the domain name which I brought from Amazon route 53.
My domain name is einfachmachen dot ch

Now, I wanted to map this domain to my EC2 running instance
I did the following.

  1. Created a Hosted Zone. (as the one originally created while buying the domain got deleted or so)
  2. Choose Domain Name as my registered domain name =
  3. Type = Private Hosted Zone and chose the VPC id listed in my EC2 console (vpc-24d2a641)
  4. This got created with 2 default record. One with type NS and another with type SOA
  5. Updated the NS record set with the NS addresses from my domain (copied the NS addresses from registered domains in AWS Route 53)
  6. Created a A record for with IPv4 Address and Value =
  7. Created a A record for with CNAME and Value =

After this, I checked the url with domain name ..
Nothing works.

I get the error in browser as "This page can’t be displayed".

I checked if it works with static web pages.
I created 2 Buckets in S3
and provided the A record values as the end-points from S3 buckets.
Then it works.

What is wrong in Ec2 and domain linking?

Best Answer

A Private Hosted Zone is used to resolve DNS names within a VPC.

Use a public hosted zone if you want to resolve DNS names on the Internet.

See: Working with Private Hosted Zones