EC2 instances in VPC and access to the Internet

amazon ec2amazon-vpcnetworking

I am playing a bit with AWS. I created one VPC (with net) and two EC2 instances attached to it. One EC2 has, second . I allocated one Elastic IP to VPC and associated it to Network Interface which belongs to EC2 instance. The VPC is a custom one created by me. One of the most importand thing for me is, that public IP must retain (payment provider requires this).
The problem is, that from first EC2 ( I can access Internet but from second one ( it's totally impossible. It must be said, that first EC2 (.0.4) should be WebServer while second one (.0.5) is a database server.

What am I doing wrong? Is above configuration good for what I want to achieve?

Thank you in advance for any tip.


Best Answer

Instances in a VPC only have access to the public internet if they have an Elastic IP or if their subnet is routed through a NAT instance. Assign an Elastic IP (if you like, you can have this done automatically on launch so you don't have to worry about associating/deassociating) and it'll have access.

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