Efficiency of web proxy scripts vs. http proxy


I was wondering which class would be more efficient: PHP (Glype, PHProxy), CGI (CGIProxy), or javascript based scripts that run on a webserver, or an http proxy run through squid. Assuming neither class was doing any caching, would one or the other be much more efficient at handling web browsing?


Best Answer

It sort of depends on how you integrate these into your server farm.

CGIProxy is a Perl app. PHPProxy is PHP, of course.

If, for example, you're running MOD_PERL then my vote is for CGIProxy.

Having extensive experience with Squid, you need a lot of RAM to make Squid really perform well.

PHPProxy would be my 2nd choice... (or first choice if not running MOD_PERL). PHP plugin is faster than forking a perl interpreter that is not built as an apache module (mod_perl). However, mod_perl apache module appears to be faster than php plugin.