Elastic Beanstalk .ebextensions config script not running on Windows deployment


I have a Microsoft ASP.NET app that I am deploying successfully via Elastic Beanstalk to a server.

However, I am trying to run a few config files under the .ebextensions in order to set up certain packages that are used by my application.

For example, I have an installation of NewRelic script as follows:

    source: http://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/release/NewRelicDotNetAgent_x64.msi

    command:   msiexec.exe /i c:\\temp\\redistribution\\newrelic\\NewRelicDotNetAgent_x64.msi /qb NR_LICENSE_KEY=<mylicense here> INSTALLLEVEL=1
    command:   c:\\windows\\system32\\iisreset.exe /RESTART

This command should download the installer (which is accessible via the server) and run the package.

The problem is that I don't see any indication that the files were downloaded, or that the scripts were even attempted to be run by the elastic beanstalk process.

I have checked the following:

  • The config files under the .ebextensions are included in the solution and I have checked that they are deployed to the server.
  • The server can access any of the files that I am trying to download.
  • The application runs OK, is just that this initialization script is not working.
  • I have tried deploying to both Windows 2008 IIS 7.5 and Windows 2012 IIS 8.5, and it doesn't work on either.

Any help figuring out this will be appreciated.


Best Answer

i was able to get the ebextensions to run after setting the files build action to "Content".

Right click file > properties > Build action. Set to "Content"

Its also helpful to verify that the contents of the file are valid with an online parser.